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Monday, February 26, 2007

Our Jeffrey's Bay Holiday Photos

Hierdie is twee surfers wat opad was om te gaan surf by SuperTubes in JBay. Ek het die foto baie grainy laat lyk vir effek.
Karin het hierdie hond afgeneem wat lekker op die strand gele het. Ek dink die wit en swart werk baie goed op hierdie foto.

This was taken from our balcony at Villa Delfini in Jeffrey's Bay. I edited this one a lot to make it look a little bit more dark and mystical.

This is a classic "footprints in the sand" scene that I thought would be interesting. I played with the levels a bit and I made the sky a bit more blue.

I took this myself. I played a little bit in photoshop with the blue sky and had to crop it a bit because my horizon was all scew. Anyway, you can simply click on the image to enlarge it.

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